How to Create Responsive Calculators in WordPress (15+ Types)

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How to Create Responsive Calculators in WordPress

We often use calculators to calculate. They are useful for many purposes like calculating the loan amount, looking at the marks required to pass an examination, finding a percentage of a certain number, calculating life insurance premium estimates, and much more.

Will there be anyone among us who does not use a calculator at least once during the course of study or work?

No chance. Calculators are so connected to our daily life. But now, the time has changed a lot. We do all types of calculations with the help of a computer these days. So why not integrate a calculator into your website?

It will help your customers make calculations and come to a conclusion. In this article, we’ll tell you how to create a calculator on your WordPress website in simple steps.

Which is the Best Calculator Plugin for WordPress?

Adding calculators in WordPress is beneficial for both website owners and visitors in their own ways. It will help finance websites, e-commerce portals, fitness trainers, and others to guide clients properly and grow their business.

If you decided to add a calculator on the WordPress website, the next question will arise. Which plugin? Should you use a calculator plugin or an all-in-one plugin like Formidable Forms to create responsive calculators?

How many plugins do you use on the WordPress website? We use a variety of plugins for different purposes, such as social media sharing, caching, SEO, form building, etc. As you increase the number of plugins, your website speed will decrease. So try to keep their number to the minimum.

Instead of installing a calculator plugin, it is better to use advanced calculator forms in Formidable Forms. They are easy to configure and highly customizable. Let us check how it works.

These are the different types of calculators you can create with Formidable Forms,

  • Mortgage calculator
  • Car payment calculator
  • Age calculator
  • BMI calculator
  • Compound interest calculator
  • Final grade calculator
  • Pregnancy due date calculator
  • Daily calorie intake calculator
  • Length conversion calculator
  • Percentage calculator
  • Tip calculator
  • Life insurance calculator
  • Much more

Click here to buy Formidable Forms with a huge discount in subscription plans (Limited period offer)

Creating Calculators in WordPress

Follow these steps to create calculators with Formidable Forms,

Step 1: Install and activate Formidable Forms on your website first. After activation, it will create a new menu in the left pane of your WordPress dashboard.

Open Formidable > Forms > Add New to create a new form.

Formidable Forms

Choose a calculator and click the Create form button that appears next to it. A popup box will appear. Enter a name for your calculator and click the Create button again.

Step 2: Formidable Forms will show your calculator form on a new screen.

Calculator forms Formidable Forms

It will have all the required fields. If you want to add more fields, drag and drop them from the left pane for the main window to add.

Click a form field to manage its settings.

Calculators WordPress

When finished, click on the update button to save the form.

Step 3: Now your calculator is ready to use. Publish it using the short code or block feature in the Gutenberg editor.

Calculators created with Formidable Forms are responsive and mobile-friendly. So all your visitors can access it and perform calculations easily.

Click here to buy Formidable Forms with a huge discount in subscription plans ($200 off-Limited period offer)

Creating Custom Calculators on WordPress

Is it possible to create a simple calculator other than using any pre-designed forms on Formidable Forms?

Yes, it is possible.

Calculator plugin

Create a blank form on your website (Formidable > Forms > Add New > Blank form) to create a simple calculator from scratch. In this example, we’re going to create a percentage calculator. It should have at least three fields like the number, percentage, and answer.

Open field settings and fill out default value and placeholder text to guide users on how to use your custom calculator. The answer field should display answers like this, Number * percentage.

Calculator plugins wordpress

Click on your answer field and open advanced settings. On the Default Value field, tap the Calculator icon and enter this formula to perform the calculation.

[FIELD ID #1] * [FIELD ID #2]

Replace FIELD ID #1 with the id number of your first field. Do the same for the second ID also.

Save the form and insert it in your post, page, or sidebar widget.

Don’t you think it is super easy to create calculators on WordPress? Let us know your honest feedback through comments.

Click here to buy Formidable Forms with a huge discount on subscription plans ($200 off- Limited period offer)

Read The 9 Best WordPress Migration Plugins Compared in 2023

Meet the Author

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Manoj is a writer, blogger from India. He writes content on current affairs, technology, cinema, health, social media, and WordPress. His posts and stories appeared across magazines and websites since 1998.

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